Plymouth University

University Of Plymouth Choral Society and Sinfonia Christmas Concert

Enjoy uplifting music including the Christmas story featured in Part 1 of Handel’s celebrated oratorio, Messiahi, that overflows with stirring choruses and evocative solo arias depicting the coming of the Christ Child gloriously announced by angels.

The concert will also include traditional carols. This is what Christmas is all about – a festival of singing and rejoicing!

£15/£13 Friends of Peninsula Arts

Plymouth University Orchestra Christmas Concert

Directed by Jonathan Hurdle and Jamie Dove

Plymouth University Orchestra will perform a selection of orchestra works prepared during the term with additional pieces for strings, wind and brass ensembles.

The Orchestra comprises of students, staff and community members and performs three concerts during the academic year.

Free admission, booking advised. Parting donations invited towards concert costs

Talk: Representations of Wartime Sexual Violence in Renaissance Painting - Dr Péter Bokody

Rape of women and girls remains a widespread form of aggression against a civilian population during war and often the belief is that the universal condemnation and prosecution of these crimes is a relatively recent phenomenon.

However, critical representations of sexual violence were already created during the Italian Renaissance. The civic imagery developed in city-republics gives us a unique insight into the revolutionary understanding of gender-based aggression and a forgotten chapter in rape history.

£6/£4.20/Friends free

Student choice Christmas film 2017

Chosen by Plymouth University students via a poll led by the University of Plymouth Student Union (UPSU), the selection always gets you into the Christmas spirit.

Vote for your favourite – look out for the student poll on the Peninsula Arts and UPSU Facebook pages.


Exhibition: BETWEEN: Arts and Humanities MA Show 2017

Showcasing the latest works created by 2017 Art, Architecture and Design students at Plymouth University, Between features a range of contemporary pieces including: video; installation; sculpture; photography; creative writing and 3D design.

Between is inspired by the Tibetan word ‘bardo’ (loosely translated as in-between state) and the artwork in the Show represents the state of existence between life and death, existence and the unconscious, reality and liberation.

The students involved completed their MA awards in Contemporary Art Practice; MA Photography and the Land;...

Music: Will Dutta Presents Bloom Live

Five years since the release of the highly acclaimed Parergon (Just Music, 2012), Bloom sees him reunite with long time collaborators Plaid and Max de Wardener to create exceptionally vivid and sumptuous compositions.

In designing Bloom Live, Dutta has reimagined what the piano recital can be and the stage show includes luminous visuals and striking production design resulting in a compelling, technologically advanced show of untempered colour.


Talk: Her-story of Art: A Brief Alternative History of Giotto and the Arena Chapel

A talk by Dr Laura Jacobus

Giotto’s frescoes in the Arena Chapel stand at the beginning of any history of Renaissance art, and he is often called the ‘father’ of the western tradition of painting. But what happens if we look at the Chapel and its paintings from a different perspective? Who were the women who used this chapel, what did they see, and what did they think?

When History of Art becomes Her-story of Art, the results can be surprising.

£6/£4.20/Friends free

Film: The Seventh Seal (1957)

Dir: Ingmar Bergman Running time: 92 mins, Cert: PG, Subtitled

Bergman’s mediation on life and death stages the human drama in a medieval setting. The apocalyptic themes of sin and sacrifice make this movie a classic of modern cinema and introduces the young Max von Sydow in the lead role of the knight.

Introduced by Dr Péter Bokody, Lecturer in Art History, Plymouth University.

£6/£4.20/Friends Free

Talk: Scrolls And Serpents: The Wonders Of Dark Age Art, Dr Janina Ramirez

Dr Ramirez, medievalist and TV historian, will introduce us to the wealth of illuminated manuscripts, jewellery and treasures of the Dark Ages. The symbols and designs help us to understand the beliefs and ideas that shaped Anglo-Saxon and Viking art.

Dr Ramirez is Director of the Certificate and Diploma in the History of Art at the Department for Continuing Education at the University of Oxford

£6/£4.20/Friends free

Film: The Physician (2013)

Dir: Philipp Stolzl Cast: Tom Payne, Ben Kingsley Running time: 135 mins Cert: 15

Based on the best-selling novel by Noah Gordon's, this film tells the story of nine-year-old Robert Cole who has a gift of understanding illness which leads him from the familiar life of 11th-century London to small villages throughout England and finally to the medical school at Ispahan.

Roberts’s interaction with the dazzling surgery of a Jewish physician, trained by the legendary Persian physician Avicenna, inspires him to accept his gift and to commit his life to healing by studying...
