
Plain packaging reduces ‘cigarette-seeking’ response by almost a 10th

Plain tobacco packaging may reduce the likelihood of smokers seeking to obtain cigarettes by almost 10% compared to branded packs, according to research from the Universities of Exeter and Bristol.

The findings come amidst debate over whether a law introducing plain cigarette packaging in England and Wales could come into force in 2016. Last month ministers said MPs would be asked to...

UK Government urged to push ahead with standardised tobacco packaging

The British Heart Foundation has criticised the UK Government for dithering over plans to introduce standardised tobacco packaging, putting thousands of children’s heart health at risk.

Two years ago today Australia became the first country in the world to force all cigarettes and tobacco products to be sold in standardised packaging to dissuade children from taking up the habit....

Children give green light to traffic light packaging idea

Could this be how we shop in the future? Children taking part in an experiment to see if ‘traffic light’ labelling on packaging made any difference to their purchasing habits said they would like to see the system introduced.

The idea is being advocated by international marine debris expert Professor Richard Thompson of Plymouth University, who believes that youngsters are the key to a...