mental health day

South Devon surfers join nationwide paddle-out for mental health ahead of World Mental Health Day

The Wave Project gathered 34 of the nation’s surfers and surf lovers on Sunday 8th October to participate in a nationwide surf paddle-out for mental health, taking place to mark World Mental Health Day on Tuesday 10th October.

Paddlers and surfers from across the UK brought their surfboard or SUP to join one of the paddle-outs across the country, including in South Devon, where...

Thousands opt for Books on Prescription

As we mark World Mental Health Day (10 October), thousands of people in Plymouth are literally ‘reading themselves’ well.

Since the Books on Prescription scheme was launched in June 2013, more than 2,000 books have been issued under the scheme in Plymouth. The self-help books available cover a range of common mental health conditions such as depression, social anxiety, panic, stress,...