Fringe Festival

Festival Fringe Success for Theatre Royal Plymouth

Theatre Royal Plymouth has had unprecedented success at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe this year securing six major awards for its national and international collaborations.

The Duke in co-production with HoiPolloi and World Without Us with Ontroerend Goed both received prestigious Fringe First Awards whilst Us/Them and OneHundredHomes, two of the shows premiered in partnership with...

Plymouth Fringe Festival

As Plymouth is fast putting its name on the cultural map of Britain, the city's first ever Fringe Festival is happening this May 24th-30th.

There are four creative individuals who are putting on the first ever festival.

The first ever Fringe Festival in the city will contain incredible theatre and live performance.

Partnered across the city with the Theatre Royal, the Barbican Theatre and The House (Plymouth University).

For more info: