Flavour Fest

Two Plymouths join forces to promote local produce ahead of Mayflower 400 celebrations

A team of local representatives from Plymouth, including members of the Culture Board, City Council, Chamber and City College recently travelled to Plymouth, Massachusetts (MA) to meet with delegates to establish a partnership in a bid to strengthen links between the two cities in the lead up to the Mayflower 400th anniversary celebrations in 2020.

In addition to the anniversary of the...

Plymouth Flavour Fest

Two new high profile celebrity chefs Mitch Tonks and Anton Piotrowski, winner of Masterchef Professional 2012, will be holding master cookery demonstrations during the 10th anniversary celebrations at Plymouth’s Flavour Fest. The event is the South West’s largest food and drink festival and returns to the City Centre’s Piazza from Friday 16th to Sunday 18th August 2013.

Flavour Fest has continually grown in popularity with footfall figures regularly exceeding 150,000 for the three-day event, offering visitors a lively and exciting way to experience the true taste of the South West...

Plymouth's Flavour Fest celebrates 10th anniversary in August

Two new high profile celebrity chefs Mitch Tonks and Anton Piotrowski, winner of Masterchef Professional 2012, will be holding master cookery demonstrations during the 10th anniversary celebrations at Plymouth’s Flavour Fest. The event is the South West’s largest food and drink festival and returns to the City Centre’s Piazza from Friday 16th to Sunday 18th August 2013.

Flavour Fest...
