
Shelter Plymouth signs up to put Forces first

Shelter in Plymouth has become one of the latest charities to sign up to the Armed Forces Covenant.

The Covenant is the country's national promise that those who serve or have served, and their families, are treated fairly.

The promise now covers all of Shelter's staff and services that work to help people avoid homelessness by keeping or finding a home. Alongside its Plymouth...

Devon-based charity Veterans with Dogs commits to Armed Forces Covenant

Local Devon-based charity, Veterans With Dogs, has signed the Armed Forces Covenant, witnessed by Johnny Mercer, MP for Plymouth Moor View.

The Armed Forces Covenant focusses on helping members of the armed forces community have the same access to government and commercial services and products as any other citizen.

Veterans With Dogs is the first UK registered charity to train...

Plymouth celebrates Armed Covenant work as new national brand is launched

Plymouth is celebrating its work on the Armed Forces Covenant and Corporate Covenant – as a new national brand is launched to raise its profile.

Nationally, the Armed Forces Covenant – which is a promise from the nation to those who serve or who have served, and their families, to do all we can to ensure they are treated fairly and not disadvantaged in their day-to-day lives – has...