Talk: Whiteout: Self-Awareness And Self-Reflexivity In Guido Reni's Non-Finito

Tuesday 14 February, 19:00
Theatre 2, Roland Levinksy Building, Plymouth University
£6/£4.20/Friends free
Discounts available via the Artory App and free to Plymouth University students via SPiA

Dr Lorenzo Pericolo, Associate Professor for History of Art at University of Warwick

Dr Lorenzo explores the life and work of Guido Reni (1575-1642). In the final years of his successful career, the Bolognese painter and compulsive gambler was swamped in debt. In contracting or reimbursing debts, he would offer his labour and work as guarantee of payment. The myriad of sketched-out canvases lying in Guido’s workshop are a virtually expired capital of works destined never to be finished.

Event Date

Tuesday, February 14, 2017 - 19:00


Theatre 2, Roland Levinksy Building, Plymouth University


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