Fahrenheit 451 (1966)

J.G. Ballard Series

Running time: 108 minutes, certificate: 12 France/UK, language: English

Dir: Francois Truffaut
Cast: Oskar Werner, Julie Christie, Cyril Cusack, Anton Diffring.

Much admired by J. G. Ballard, this film adaptation of Ray Bradbury’s novel is Truffaut’s only English language film. Set in the future where all books have been outlawed by a repressive regime, firemen are the Government force whose job it is to search for and destroy all literature by burning it. One of the firemen, Montag (Werner) begins to question his own actions and slowly becomes drawn to find out why literature is considered so dangerous in a society that maintains its equilibrium by suppressing all original thought.

Tickets: £6.60 / £4.50 concessions/ Friends of Peninsula Arts Free
Ticket discount available with Artory App


Event Date

Monday, October 19, 2015 - 19:00


Jill Craigie Cinema, Roland Levinsky Building, Plymouth University


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