Plymouth hospitals

It's the little things that make the biggest difference

Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) have begun a new partnership with Little Things, a non-profit making charity set up by Leighanne Hedges, who creates bespoke clothing for premature babies who have sadly passed away.

Through her work as a funeral arranger, Leighanne became increasingly aware of the challenges faced by bereaved parents when it came to...

Hospital directors shortlisted for NHS Leadership Awards

We are delighted that three directors at Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust have been shortlisted for two awards at this year’s NHS Leadership Recognition Awards, which are run by the NHS Leadership Academy.

Our Director of Nursing and Associate Director of Nursing/Head of Midwifery will be going head to head for the NHS Inspirational Leader Award.

Sue Stock, Associate Director of...

New opening hours at Derriford Hospital

In recognition of the invaluable role and contribution that families and carers provide to their loved ones when they are in hospital, Plymouth Hospitals is changing visiting times at Derriford.

From Monday 1 August 2016, all adult inpatient wards, with the exception of critical care and maternity, will be open between the hours of 07:30 and 22:00.

The #letsbeopen campaign was...
