
Special services this weekend for the Philippines

Special prayers and collections will be held at churches across Devon this Sunday as congregations respond to the call to help those affected by the devastating Philippines typhoon.

The typhoon, one of the strongest storms to ever hit land, has torn apart the lives of more than 11 million people in the Philippines who are now in urgent need of food, water and emergency shelter....

New clergy for Devon churches

Devon churches now have 15 new clergy after a special ordination service was held at Exeter Cathedral.

The Rt Rev John Ford, Bishop of Plymouth conducted the ceremony which saw 15 men and women being ordained as deacons in the Church of England.

The new clergy come from all walks of life - from the army to teaching - to serve in Devon’s villages and cities. They are listed...

Devon Faiths Training for Major Incidents

More than 70 volunteers from seven different churches and six other faith and belief traditions have now been trained to be able to respond in the event of a major emergency in Devon, Plymouth or Torbay.

The Devon Faiths Response Team (DFRT) recently held a further training workshop at County Hall, Exeter at which participants heard from South Devon Coroner Ian Arrow and trauma...
