Why 2020 is the year you should travel solo

Authored by Mary
Posted: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 - 15:17

Whether you’ve been toying with the idea of a solo holiday, but haven’t decided to take the plunge; or perhaps you’re already one of the 15% who choose to travel alone the travel industry has seen a rise in solo travellers, and it’s easy to see why. Thanks to technological advances it’s safer and easier to travel alone, as well as allowing you to stay connected to loved ones at home. If you dream of sand dunes and salty air, here’s why you should pack your bag and grab your passport – and leave your pals at home this year. 

You’ll gain independence

Travelling solo fills you with a true sense of independence, whether you travel as part of a group alongside other solo travellers with a company like Exodus, or truly go it alone. Solo travel represents freedom and independence, and you’ll come back a new person with a fresh perspective on life. 

You’ll become more confident

When you decide to embark on a journey to somewhere new, you’re likely to feel apprehensive, nervous, you may even want to turn around and head home. But, travelling independently will help you gain immeasurable confidence. The key to success is to plan, as well as accept that sometimes things don’t always go to plan. Sometimes you might miss that connecting flight, you may become ill, or you could lose your luggage – accept that this is part of the journey. 

You’ll trust those gut feelings

Have you ever known instinctively you were making the right decision? When you travel alone you learn to trust those gut feelings, and control what direction you want to head in, without compromising. Take a leaf out of Cassie De Pecol’s passport and go on a journey of self-discovery whilst exploring the globe. When you return back to ‘normal’ life - if you do in fact decide to return - you’ll have a greater trust in those unquantifiable feelings. 

You’ll make friends from around the globe

Travelling alone doesn’t mean you’re lonely – far from it. In fact, you’re more likely to meet likeminded people. Solo travellers often speak of the bond they have with other fellow travellers they met on their journeys. While some people prefer to be alone, there are plenty of opportunities to make new friends. And social media apps like Instagram means making new friends is easier than ever. Beyond apps, solo travel will automatically throw you into social settings and opportunities where you can get to know others and exposes you to different cultures. 

In a world where we have to be all things, to all people, all the time, solo travel allows you to be you. Travel makes you richer in so many ways and travelling solo helps you gain a better understanding of who you are.