3 Tips on Choosing the Perfect Living Room Rug

Sarah Parker
Authored by Sarah Parker
Posted: Tuesday, November 19, 2019 - 17:54

The right rug can make or break any room in your home, and you can often benefit from adding a stunning rug no matter what kind of flooring you already have. A thick, fluffy rug will add a touch of cosiness to a room with wooden flooring while a small, decorative rug can brighten up a room with plain carpets. There are many different rug sizes available, but how do you know which is the right fit for your space? When it comes to choosing a rug for your living room, getting the right fit, style, colour and materials is crucial. Here are some tips that you might find useful.

#1. Measure Up:

One of the biggest mistakes that people tend to make when choosing a rug for their living room is ending up with one that is too small. Most of the time you’ll find standard rug sizes of 6x9 feet, 8x10 feet and 9x12 feet, but don’t just go with the biggest option if it’s still too small for your room – you might want to consider getting one custom made or looking around for more options at sites like Orientalist Rug. Whatever you decide, a good rule of thumb is to keep 4-8 inches of bare space at each side of the rug.

#2. Consider the Colour and Pattern:

You may have found a rug in a colour and pattern that you really love, but bear in mind that if it doesn’t go with the rest of your living room décor and furniture, then it’s not going to look great. Unless you’ve got your heart set on a certain rug and are willing to make changes to your living room if you need to, then take some time to think about the colour and pattern. A patterned rug can be a fantastic way to add some interest to an otherwise neutral room, whilst a plain rug in a solid colour can be a nice contrast to a room with many eclectic patterns. If you have a colourful living room and want a colourful rug, try to find an option that helps to pull everything together nicely.

#3. Get the Texture Right:

It’s also important to think about how you want your rug to feel. Woollen rugs are a fabulous option if you’re going to be walking over it with bare feet a lot as they add softness and warmth. On the other hand, jute or sisal are good materials for a decorative rug, but they can be quite rough underfoot. Cleaning is another important factor to take into consideration when choosing the material, too – silk is a soft, gorgeous choice, but bear in mind that it can be both expensive and difficult to clean, so it’s important that you are prepared.

With so many different rug options available, it’s not surprising that getting the right fit for your living room can be tricky. Keep these three main factors in mind when choosing, and most of all, make sure that you get a rug you love!