3 Ways to Make Your Office Safer

David Banks
Authored by David Banks
Posted: Tuesday, July 2, 2019 - 14:06

As a business owner, you are faced with a number of different tasks each and every day. None of these jobs, however, are more important than ensuring that your office is a safe space to work in. Ignore this all-important task and not only will you make it way more difficult for your employees to get on with their various workplace duties, but you could also but their health at risk. If you’re seriously not careful in this instance, you could even put their lives at risk.

To ensure that you, your workforce, and any visitors to your workspace remain safe at all times while they are within the confines of your office, it’s imperative that you put the advice laid out below into practice.

Here are three ways you can make your office a whole lot safer:

Make sure your air is clean

If you’ve recently had welding work done in your office space, then it’s essential that you remove fumes released from the welding process. Making sure that your air is clean in this instance is pivotal — fail to deal with this essential task, and you could cause serious damage to your employees. If left untended for too long, harmful fumes could cause a condition as serious as cancer.

To ensure that your air is as clean as it can be, you must have a fume extractor fitted. This will go a long way towards removing airborne particles.

Transform your office into an ergonomic workspace

The human body does not like to be made to sit at a desk for hours on end, that much is for certain. When it is made to do so, it becomes sore, achey, stressed, and fatigued. Specifically, the following injures occur:

  • Computer hunch
  • Mouse wrist
  • Text neck
  • Desktopitis

To ensure that your employees are forced to suffer with such plights, you should transform your office into an ergonomic workspace. To do this, you should:

  • Provide footrests for added leg support
  • Invest in chairs that promote natural spine curvature and can be adjusted to suit the sitter’s height
  • Allow your workers to sit at desks that are appropriate for their height
  • Ensure that your staff members aren’t having to stretch for their mouse or keyboard
  • Position your computer screens to make sure your employees aren’t hunching or leaning forward

Keep the noise down

Excessive amounts of noise each day won’t just distract your employees and lower their productivity — it could also cause serious damage to their hearing. To make sure this is not the case, you should seek to keep the noise down as best you can.

One way to do this is to separate your designated working space from particularly noisy machines, such as printers, air-conditioning units, and ventilation equipment.

As their boss, it is your duty to ensure that the entirety of your workforce remains healthy and safe throughout their working hours. It is for this reason why you have to go out of your way to take the above advice and make sure that your office is a safe space.